Finite Elemente GmbH
Am Heimekesberg 11
33106 Paderborn
Phone +49 5254 64557
Trade register:
HRB 15073 / District court: Paderborn
VAT-ID No.: DE341557236
Registration No. §9 VerpackG: DE3473564304204
Managing Partners:
Luis Fernandes
Werner Möhring
Legally responsible according to §5 TMG:
Luis Fernandes
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All texts, images and further information published here are subject to copyrights of the supplier, unless copyrights of a third party exist. In any case the duplication, dissemination or public reproduction is permitted solely with the revocable and non-transferable consent by the provider. The provider does not assume responsibility for any web content created by hyperlinks, because it does not involve content of our own.
The linked websites were checked for illegal content. which was not apparent at the time of linking. Responsibility for the content of linked sites is held by their operator. The provider is under no general obligation to supervise or verify. In case of an infringement the link in question will be removed immediately.
Subject to change. No liability is assumed for content-related errors.
Luis Fernandes